259 research outputs found

    Channel noise effects on neural synchronization

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    Synchronization in neural networks is strongly tied to the implementation of cognitive processes, but abnormal neuronal synchronization has been linked to a number of brain disorders such as epilepsy and schizophrenia. Here we examine the effects of channel noise on the synchronization of small Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal networks. The principal feature of a Hodgkin-Huxley neuron is the existence of protein channels that transition between open and closed states with voltage dependent rate constants. The Hodgkin-Huxley model assumes infinitely many channels, so fluctuations in the number of open channels do not affect the voltage. However, real neurons have finitely many channels which lead to fluctuations in the membrane voltage and modify the timing of the spikes, which may in turn lead to large changes in the degree of synchronization. We demonstrate that under mild conditions, neurons in the network reach a steady state synchronization level that depends only on the number of neurons in the network. The channel noise only affects the time it takes to reach the steady state synchronization level.Comment: 7 Figure

    Properties of the reaction front in a reaction-subdiffusion process

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    We study the reaction front for the process A+B→CA+B\to C in which the reagents move subdiffusively. We propose a fractional reaction-subdiffusion equation in which both the motion and the reaction terms are affected by the subdiffusive character of the process. Scaling solutions to these equations are presented and compared with those of a direct numerical integration of the equations. We find that for reactants whose mean square displacement varies sublinearly with time as ∼tγ \sim t^\gamma, the scaling behaviors of the reaction front can be recovered from those of the corresponding diffusive problem with the substitution t→tγt\to t^\gammaComment: Errata corrected, one reference update

    Breathers and Thermal Relaxation in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Arrays

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    Breather stability and longevity in thermally relaxing nonlinear arrays depend sensitively on their interactions with other excitations. We review the relaxation of breathers in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam arrays, with a specific focus on the different relaxation channels and their dependence on the interparticle interactions, dimensionality, initial condition, and system parameters

    Generation of dynamic structures in nonequilibrium reactive bilayers

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    We present a nonequlibrium approach for the study of a flexible bilayer whose two components induce distinct curvatures. In turn, the two components are interconverted by an externally promoted reaction. Phase separation of the two species in the surface results in the growth of domains characterized by different local composition and curvature modulations. This domain growth is limited by the effective mixing due to the interconversion reaction, leading to a finite characteristic domain size. In addition to these effects, first introduced in our earlier work [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 71}, 051906 (2005)], the important new feature is the assumption that the reactive process actively affects the local curvature of the bilayer. Specifically, we suggest that a force energetically activated by external sources causes a modification of the shape of the membrane at the reaction site. Our results show the appearance of a rich and robust dynamical phenomenology that includes the generation of traveling and/or oscillatory patterns. Linear stability analysis, amplitude equations and numerical simulations of the model kinetic equations confirm the occurrence of these spatiotemporal behaviors in nonequilibrium reactive bilayers.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.
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